Yoga | YogaFaith

Yoga Nidra guided by Tracy
Friday * September 21st * 5pm
$25 * please call or email us to reserve your spot on the mat
Yoga Nidra, also known as Yogic Sleep, is a powerful ancient meditation practice of deep relaxation and self-inquiry between the state of wakefulness and dreaming. You’ll arrive on your mat to a fully supported and deeply restful Savasana where our first intention is comfort and relaxation. As you soften into the supportive props beneath you, you’ll be guided into a state of dynamic rest where one remains aware and alert while the body finds nourishing stillness. It is in this space that important spiritual work can be accomplished while the stress of life melts away. The beauty of Yoga Nidra is taken with you into your life and off your mat where the practitioner may find more balance and acceptance in the normal ups and downs of life. Through embracing life just as it is, one finds more ease and harmony as life unfolds.
Tracy is a Certified Yoga Nidra & Sound Therapy Practitioner and an RYT200 Certified Yoga Instructor. Her life is a dynamic balance of living her purpose while spending nourishing time with her friends and loved ones and aligning with work that bring her joy and fulfillment. Her highest purpose is to guide her students closer to the transformational qualities that yoga can bring into their life. Her belief is that yoga is one of the most profound and transformational practices in the world and continues to transform her physical, spiritual and emotional body on a daily basis. Her highest goal is to provide a safe and nurturing space to allow the body, mind, and spirit to release and let go of anything that no longer serves the student and allow yoga to usher in the energy of transformation and healing.
YogaFaith Class Coming Soon
We are so excited to be offering YogaFaith classes this coming Fall. We love Jesus & Faith this is a perfect way to connect with God & yourself on the mat. To learn more about YogaFaith visit their website: